
LCAM organizes microscopy meetings and courses at different levels:


Nanoscopy Netherlands course2
Two day symposium discussing state-of-the art super-resolution microscopy techniques and their applications.

Kinderlezing Hoe klein kan ik zien
Lezing voor kinderen tussen de 8-12 jaren oud over het bekijken van kleine objecten met een microscoop in het Nemo Science Centre in Amsterdam.

Basic, Intermediate and Advanced courses:

LCAM user training courses (AMC, NKI or FNWI, regular).
All  three LCAM laboratories have their own user training courses. 
These 1- or 2-day courses are organised on a regular basis for new LCAM users who are  interested in applying fluorescence microscopy in their research.

LCAM course Basics in fluorescence microscopy (FNWI: annual, AMC: twice a year)
A basic practical course for graduate students, postdocs and lab technicians in biology, biophysics and (bio)medicine. It  provides detailed knowledge of the working principles of confocal imaging, with special emphasis on experiment related issues, such as optical aberrations, bleaching, specimen preparation and digitisation. The course integrates theoretical lectures with hands-on experiments and practical experience.

LCAM course Functional imaging (AMC, NKI & FNWI, annual)
An intermediate level practical course for graduate students, postdocs and lab technicians in biology, biophysics and (bio)medicine. This course is focused at functional imaging technologies that can be used in biology such as FRET, FLIM, FRAP, FCS & super-resolution microscopy. Furthermore, participants will be introduced to the latest developments in fluorescent probe & biosensor technology, sample preparation, data-analysis and data statistics. The course consists of theoretical lectures & tutorials (~50%) and hands-on experiments (~50%) at the microscopes and includes an image analysis session.

In the footsteps of Van Leeuwenhoek (AMC & NKI, annual)
An annual advanced practical course for graduate students, postdocs and lab technicians in biology, biophysics and (bio)medicine.  This advanced microscopy course focuses fully on intensive hands-on practical sessions and interactive discussions with experts in the various microscope techniques. During the course you will visit the the three LCAM imaging centres. Typically at the uneven years the footsteps course is organised as an international sponsored course focused at a specific topic.

University courses:

Bachelor course Cellulaire Oncologie (FNWI & AMC, jaarlijks)
Achtweekse cursus, half theoretisch en half praktisch, met als doel de student in te voeren in de moderne moleculaire celbiologie van dynamische structuren in levende cellen in relatie tot oncologie.

Mastercourse Advanced Microscopy (FNWI, AMC & NKI, annual)
Four weeks practical course where the students will be introduced to the theory of advanced fluorescence microscopy techniques and will apply these in daily practicals and a mini-research project in the final week.