LCAM basic course

Title: LCAM basic courselogo_LCAM
Date: regular, FNWI: approx. every  2 months (see dates below)
Location: At each of the three LCAM imaging centres
Contact: Ron Hoebe (AMC), Mark Hink (FNWI) or Lenny Brocks (NKI)


Each LCAM laboratory organizes on a regular basis 1- up to 2-days courses for the local new users who are interested in applying the LCAM fluorescence microscopes in their research. Only when sufficient new users are present, the course will be given. The course is compulsory for those who are going to use the equipment of  the LCAM. This ”basic confocal course” treats the basic principles of confocal microscopy and includes one day of hands-on experience. Some more advanced courses, potentialy focusing at a specific technique, could be organised dependent on the demand of the LCAM-users.

LCAM-FNWI: Confocal Training Day

This is the one day course that all new local LCAM microscope users will have to follow in order to start working with the LCAM-FNWI microscopes. In the morning there will be lectures about microscopy & fluorescence principles, laser safety and working in the LCAM-FNWI microscopy labs. In the afternoon the participants will do a practical at one of the confocal microscopes. This course is organised roughly every two months at fixed dates. For the academic year 24-25 the following training days are being planned: 25 Sep, 4 Dec, 5 Feb, 9 Apr & 11 Jun